Radiation: Effects and Sources

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The UNEP booklet entitled "Radiation: Effects and Sources" is based on the major scientific reports of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) published in the past 25 years. It aims to expand public knowledge on levels of exposure to ionizing radiation and possible associated effects. This publication does not set, or even recommend, radiation safety standards. Rather, it provides information on basic science related to radiation (origin, quantities and units), on radiation effects (on humans and the environment) and on radiation sources (natural and artificial).

The booklet was published in 2016 on the occasion of the Committee's 60th anniversary in English. To make this publication available to a wider audience, the UNSCEAR secretariat - which operates under the auspices of the UN Environment Programme - translated it into 15 languages with the technical and financial support of Member States acknowledged in the respective translated versions. In cases of discrepancy, the original English text will prevail.

The publication can be purchased from UN Publications.